Sustainability Awards
The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design have joined forces on two continents to present an innovative and challenging new public program: GREEN GOOD DESIGN SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS.
GOOD DESIGN™ was founded in Chicago in 1950 by Eero Saarinen, Charles and Ray Eames, and Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. to promote and foster a greater public understanding and acceptance for Modern Design.
In 2024, seven decades later, this new edition of GOOD DESIGN™ aims to bring a parallel public appreciation and awareness for an equally revolutionary design approach-a new design thinking led by a current generation of visionary architects, designers, urban planners, corporations, governments, individuals, and private and public institutions for a design and a public environment based upon the ideals of energy conservation; the reduction of toxic waste and greenhouse gases; the diminishing dependence on fossil fuels; and a sensitivity for waste, pollution, and the depletion of the world’s energy resources. This new design approach centers on the idea of repairing our worldwide environments with sustainability and for total ecological restoration.
History 2007 - 2025
How Green are you Really?
To many, sustainability is little more than a trendy slogan or the latest marketing gimmick. To leaders in design, industry, manufacturing, and the corporate world, GREEN DESIGN adheres to strict guidelines in order to shape an international agenda and the international community’s attitude toward economic, social, and environmental development.
Both organizing institutions in Europe and America are inviting open submissions to honor design innovation and pioneering achievements in this 2025 Awards Program. Architects, designers, urban planners, governments, manufacturers, corporations, institutions, organizations, individuals, as well as individual products, buildings, concepts, projects, programs, and technology are eligible for submission.
A professional jury in the field of sustainability will review submissions and examine their substance and pursuit of excellence and determine the 2025 GREEN GOOD DESIGN SUSTAINABILITY AWARDS accordingly. Awards are announced in Spring 2024 to the international press and public. Awarded individuals, corporations, institutions, products, projects, and programs form a traveling exhibition in Europe and in the U.S.
We invite your application for this 2024 Awards Program. Nominations are also made by The European Centre’s International Advisory Committee

Printable Eco Bottle 750 ml 2015 by Tupperware. TCA Archives

Hyundai Ioniq 2013-2017 by Hyundai Design Team

Soundsticks® 2019 by Offecct AB.,TCA Archives

BENE bFRIENDS Collection 2021 by Bene AG. TCA Arcives
Like the GOOD DESIGN Program of 1950, anything and everything is eligible for submission with the emphasis on the following that has successfully focused on the development and implementation of enabling instruments that support actual measures to achieve C02-reduction, energy conservation, renewable energy sources, recycling, sustainability, quality of life and environment, economic viability, and environmental economics and in particular:Architecture/Urban Planning/Landscape Architecture:
Skyscrapers, offices, homes, green buildings, green spaces, factories, reforestation, restorations and renovations that achieve sustainable living, working, and recreating environments.
Innovative Green Products that promote energy savings, recycling, and greater sustainability in all sectors of Industry from consumer goods, furniture, transportation, equipment, printing and packaging, construction materials to household and business products.
Companies, developers, manufacturers, contractors, financial parties that have emblazoned the path and taken a leadership role toward renewable resources, energy management, recycling, and sustainability.
Nations, states, cities, and towns that have promoted energy-awareness, enacted legislation, actual programs, conservation, recycling, preservation, renovation, restoration and redevelopment of their urban, suburban, and rural environments.
Public and private entities that have pioneered new concepts, leadership programs, public initiatives, public policy, and campaigns for social and economic well-being, the protection of the environment and its resources, restorative enterprises, public-awareness for an emission free environment, global sustainability, and socially cohesive neighborhoods and cities-from the garden to the planet- taking into account the environment’s impact for future generations.
Next generation instruments and devices that determine and manage greater optimum energy standards, efficiency, sustainability, recycling, life-cycle and facility management.
Innovative and inspiring programs based on “best practice” results.
Individuals who are leaders, pioneers, and innovators in GREEN DESIGN

Son La Ceremonial Dome Vietnam 2016-2017 by o Trong Nghia Architects
Why should you get involved with Green Good Design?
A bit of history: the idea of Good Design Awards was born back in 1950. It was the first time that an art museum and a wholesale merchandising center joined forces to present “the best new examples in modern design in home furnishings.”
By submitting your work and receiving a Green Good Design Award you prove your design excellency while joining a great community of professional designers, companies and talented people around the world who share the same ideas and dreams about design. Products awarded with Good Design easily take an advanced place on the market.
Every Green Good Design awarded project is listed on a yearly basis, on our online platform which receives at least one million visits per year. Green Good Design awarded projects travel the globe: we host exhibitions and events presenting the awarded projects in various

Camaleonda Sofa 2019-2020 by B&B Italia SpA. TCA Archives
Filling out the Application Form
In order to apply you need to visit Organization Page. You need to create an account applying all your company information. If you already have created an account please log in with your username and password. All required fields must be filled in. If a required field is left blank the form will be rejected. After a successful application you will receive an email with a unique ID number for your submission, a pre-invoice for your submission and a pdf document with all information in case you choose to pay with bank transfer. All final invoices are sending to all clients periodically after we check all transactions passed through correctly. You can always log in to your account to see passed submissions or download your passed invoices.
All information submitted will be included in all online presentation, exhibition and Award publication catalogue. Please ensure that possible changes or mistakes according to credits, images and project description may incur costs. During your submission please advise all examples given in every section to ensure all credit details filled in correctly.
Project Description
All project descriptions should be edited in English, should be ready to use in any type of online presentation or publication and should not be more than 500 words. There is a specific text tab to include it when submitting so please do not forward it with email or any other way to us.
Project Images
I1. ASPECT RATIO 16:9 (1920px Χ 1080px Landscape or Portrait).
2. ASPECT RATIO 1:1 (1080px X 1080px Square format).
You can upload images in mixed formats.
3. RESOLUTION: 300dpi/image, max 6MB per file.
The file names should use explicitly Latin characters. (Please upload 4-6 images)
• All images file names should use only Latin characters
• If you want to forward Plans/Sections/Elevations pdfs or more images for the jury procedure or blueprints please use the dropbox link to upload. Make sure your dropbox folder is public so we can have access.
Please contact Fachanan Conlon If you need assistance please do not hesitate to contact us on 00 353 (0) 1 670 8781
Green Categories
Anything produced and/or designed from January 2023 to the present is eligible including: Green Architecture which includes Green Architecture, Green Community projects, Green Corporations, Green Energy Architecture, Green Environments, Green Urban Planning and Landscape. Green Graphic Design which category includes Green Packaging, Green Graphic Design and Green Mobile Applications. Green Organizations and People which category includes Green Government and Institutions, Green People and Green Organizations. Green Product Design which category includes Green Electronics, Green New Materials and Green Products. Green Research and Technology which category includes Green Recycling, Green Energy, Green Research and Green Technology. Green Transportation which category includes Green Vehicles and any other Green Transportation equipment or product.
• For questions about the Award application contact us 00 353 (0) 1 670 8781
• For questions about the Award application e-mail us at
• All photographs must be labeled with project, designer, manufacturer and photographer credits.
• All winning entries become property of the Permanent Design Collection at The Chicago Athenaeum.
• Projects selected for exhibition will require the physical use of the product or model for exhibition purposes.
• Late submissions add $100.00 USD per entry.
Valid Applications
Products or buildings should have been designed or built after January 1st, 2023. Any person/institution who has made a significant contribution to sustainability locally, nationally or internationally. Any government/local government who has implemented a sustainability plan.As with The Good Design™ ethos, everything and anything is considered in The Green Good Design Sustainability Awards™
2025 Award
Application fee is €375 per project for the applications paid online choosing debit or credit card.
Application fee is €375 + €25(bank costs) per project for the applications paid online choosing bank transfer.