Numerous fishing rods for lure fishing worldwide come with a straight shaft that is directly inserted through the grip. However, this design leads to unbalanced weight distribution since the reel is placed on top of the shaft. As a result, users experience unnecessary strain and twisting in their wrists and arms. Although the blank thru-grip is a lightweight and cost-effective alternative, it fails to alleviate the burden on the body. To address this problem, the Bionomics 4000EX grip was created. This grip features an interchangeable shaft part that can accommodate various shaft types to suit the user’s requirements.
The product’s designer introduced the world’s first thumb rest in 1989 and later developed a reel positioning system that can be adjusted to the user’s finger length, allowing for better thumb control. The grip is well-balanced and easy to hold, making it perfect for double-handed casting. Additionally, it is made from sustainable materials such as natural wood and renewable metals, with less than 1% petroleum-based materials utilized. The manufacturing process also avoids using molds with a significant environmental impact, making it an environmentally friendly product.
Category:Sports and RecreationYear:2023Designers:Henry Hisatsugu Haneda, Masa Otonari, Archistrial International Design Team, Archistrial Design, Hokuto, Yamanashi, JapanManufacturer:Archistrial Design, Hokuto, Yamanashi, Japan