The watch is a huge honour to present these watches. Álvaro Siza is perhaps the greatest architect of our time, but also one of the people with whom it was easiest to work. In each step of this path, we witnessed the enormous creative vitality, the speed of thought, the freedom in drawing, the incessant curiosity, the rigor with which he takes care of every detail. These are long-known features; the novelty is to reveal themselves this time on a wristwatch.
It is undoubtedly one of the proudest moments in Cauny’s centenary journey and our greatest contribution to the history of watch design.
Category:PersonalYear:2023Designers:Alvaro Siza Vieira, Álvaro Siza - Arte, Lda., Porto, PortugalManufacturer:Ourtime - Relogios e Acessorios Lda., Lisboa, Portugal