Around the world, Gatorade is recognized as a brand synonymous with sports performance and recovery. However, Gatorade is not only a rehydration drink – it represents a movement and way of understanding and celebrating sports beyond just physical effort – standing for self-improvement as a whole. Because of this, Gatorade partners with like-minded brands who want to reach a similar demographic.
In the beautiful and mountainous country of Colombia, the sport of cycling has a long history, witnessing and participating in important international competitions. The country has created an enduring cycling culture and fueled generations of Colombians to dream of representing their country with their steel horses.
Cycling legend Rigoberto Uran, “Rigo”, is an Olympic medalist born in Colombia. In 2014, he started his business “Go Rigo Go!”, selling cycling sportswear online. Today Rigo is a success story, offering not only cycling and urban clothing but also nutrition products such as cereal bars and shakes, as well as maintenance products. He also recently expanded the business by producing and selling a line of Cannondale bicycles.
Recently, Gatorade collaborated with Go Rigo Go! to create an enticing new offer for its consumers: an exclusive clothing line and sports accessories available for a limited time only and supporting a social cause. Proceeds from the sale of Gatorade x Go Rigo Go! benefitted the Los Yarumos Cycling School, located in the northern area of the Department of Antioquia. The mission of Los Yarumos is to encourage, direct, and accompany the educational process of boys and girls in the municipalities of Yarumal and Ituago.
Embracing the challenge of combining both the Gatorade and Go Rigo Go! brands and graphic assets in a harmonious way, the Design Team chose to let the Gatorade identity lead the design direction both in color and shape, leaning heavily on orange and black in order to imprint the brand essence on each garment.
The team drew design inspiration for this collaboration from the beauty of the Colombian landscape athletes explore as they navigate their cycling journey. The mountain and valley motifs woven throughout the Gatorade x Go Rigo Go! collection represents the passion and dedication that every cyclist devotes to each kilometer they ride, knowing there will be obstacles and challenges, but never losing sight of the goal of breaking through their own limits.
Category:Graphic DesignYear:2023Designers:PepsiCo Design & Innovation, PepsiCo, New York, New York, USAManufacturer:PepsiCo, New York, New York, USA