We all have a responsibility to protect our world and leave a livable planet to future generations: to reduce our carbon footprint. So, what is a carbon footprint? The carbon footprint refers to the number of greenhouse gases that humans emit into the atmosphere while using natural resources. These gases can cause climate change and environmental problems in the world. Transportation in the world accounts for the bulk of the carbon footprint. Therefore, choosing an electric car could be an option to drastically reduce carbon emissions. The widespread use of electric vehicles will reduce the amount of harmful gases released into nature, while it will lead to positive developments in environmental quality and reduce the dependence on depleting and expensive energy resources such as oil.
At this point, Çilek Furniture handled the Car Bed concept with a sustainable approach to design with the GTE Electric Car Bed. While this project supports the imagination of children, it aims to raise awareness with an approach that protects nature and instills a sustainable, environmentalist, and innovative approach to children. Because it is very important to raise generations with high environmental awareness and to produce environmentally friendly products. In this way, we take steps for a more sustainable world and achieve the goal of leaving a clean and livable environment for future generations.
Having the appearance of a real sports car with its interior and exterior design, GT-E Car Bed aims to give the message that we need to greatly reduce carbon emissions with its technology as a new electric vehicle. GT-E Car Bed series offers a new, adventurous, and creative experience to children with its graphic works in accordance with today’s technologies. GT-E Car Bed, which maximizes safety and comfort, gives the impression of a realistic car with its light designs. With the neon bonding details on it, the colors offer a more vivid appearance. It enriches the imagination of our children with its realistic unlocking sound, star wheels, and animation-led designs. Thanks to the durable material used in its production, it is very safe and you can use the GT-E Car Bed for many years.
Category:Children's ProductsYear:2023Designers:Ali Özaslan, Fadime Tunç, Çilek Design Hub, Çilek Mobilya A.Ş., Bursa, TurkeyManufacturer:Çilek Mobilya A.Ş., Bursa, Turkey