Handy Handle is a totally new approach to Helium Disposable Cylinders for balloon filling, providing added ergonomics and safety for users. Its innovative triangle-shaped single handle (Image 2) directly connects the user’s hand to the cylinder’s valve suspension point, allowing a more balanced transport position. Being foldable, frees up the entire filling area, avoiding the clutter caused by traditional welded fixed metal handles, and improves Ecological Footprint by reducing transport volume and packaging. In line with principles of Circular Economy, injection is made of recycled material from the requalification, by the manufacturer, of other polymeric cylinders. This design allows a simple and direct no tool and no weld, assembly process. Having also been developed according to Design for Disassembly approaches, allows, no tool, total separation of materials and immediate Reuse or Recycling.
Form – A triangle is the natural shape of a weight suspended on a hand strap. The Handy Handle connects the ergonomically handling surface to a single suspension point (axis) on the valve by a simple collar that is held in place by the fitting of the handle itself. Parts are reduced to their direct function and form directly follows their function. In the context of festive balloon inflation, it presents a much friendlier image than the traditional metallic handles. It is made by injection of recycled plastic having been developed according to the principles of Design for Disassembly allows the total no tool separation of materials.
Function – In the context of festive balloon inflation, it presents a much friendlier image than the traditional metallic handles. It has no sharp edges and being collapsible, improves the usability of the product, by increasing space around the valve for balloon-filling manipulation. Being ergonomic and allowing a balanced position improves the handling of the cylinder and reduces transport fatigue mainly for younger or elderly users. Being composed of two simple no tool separate parts can be recycled with easy material separation.
Differentiation – Traditional metal handles are always double, although the cylinders are always lifted by only one of them, given its lightness, which means that they are suspended at an angle. Metallic handles are welded to the cylinders and may lead to corrosion. Handy Handle single-handle balanced solution being directly attached to the valve resolves both questions. Being foldable, it frees up the entire filling area, avoiding the clutter caused by the double handles. Design for disassembly allows combining an ergonomic shape with the possibility of production in recycled material and having a reusable and recyclable product.
Impact – Consisting of two pieces assembled by fitting it is easy to produce and recycle. Avoiding welding processes or intermediate parts reduces components and raw materials to their functional minimum. Being made of recycled material and being reusable and recyclable reduce product footprint. By suspending the cylinder by the valve, it does not create areas of possible corrosion under a metallic collar. Having a more friendly shape and identity, it is better suited to the balloon-filling market than traditional solutions with a much more industrial and technical nature. Allows a smaller packaging volume contributing to a reduced footprint.
Category:Retail FittingsYear:2023Designers:Carlos Aguiar, Bruno Teixeira, eD Escritorio de Design, Lda., Arouca, PortugalManufacturer:Amtrol-Alfa | Worthington Enterprises, Guimarães, Portugal