The art project Yoomoota is a parallel universe with its unique planets and inhabitants, created by Taras Zheltyshev. The objects in this universe reflect the dreamlike inner world of mankind and embody various phenomena of life. The characters of Yoomoota are inspired by the pathways of the human body, thus serving an important educational mission to enhance people’s familiarity with their own health. The unique manufacturing technology allows for the accurate transformation of bizarre images into real works of art that can rightfully find a place in any collection.
In the art project Yoomoota, «Inflated Ass» is a chair that takes the natural shape of an inflated plant from the Planet of Paradise. These plants are predatory, and it is advised not to tame or sit on them, as doing so may result in becoming trapped in an eternal state of pleasure.
First, the innovation of the Yoomoota project lies in the use of wool and felt, materials commonly used in outerwear manufacturing, for furniture. the innovation of the Yoomoota project
Second, «Inflated Ass» chair is a creature from the Planet of Paradise in Yoomoota universe. The idea itself, about the plant, which is following destined routes and able to end up in some physiological and practical form seems unbelievable.
The chair is manufactured almost entirely from natural materials, including wood, and felt. The durability of these materials, along with the absence of the need for rapid replacement and disposal, allows for the use of PU foam. The manufacturing process of the item involves only the hands of the master, without the use of hot plastic or complex resins. This ensures that the production of this interior item is as safe and eco-friendly as possible for the environment and climate.
Category:FurnitureYear:2023Designer:Taras Zheltyshev, Yoomoota, Bangkok, ThailandManufacturer:Yoomoota, Bangkok, Thailand