After childbirth, new mothers need to see and reach their infants. Yet, equipment in hospital rooms have not been designed to accommodate mother-infant “couplet” needs. Bassinets in use throughout the United States and internationally create unnecessary barriers to the joy and connection all families deserve. Further, the devices used within postpartum hospital rooms can lead to safety hazards and preventable harm.
Couplet Care, Inc., in collaboration with Trig, proudly introduces the Couplet Care Bassinet. This pioneering solution has been co-designed with parents and health care professionals to transform health experiences and outcomes. The bassinet’s patented design represents a significant advancement in maternal and infant health care.
The Couplet Care Bassinet is engineered for ease of use and versatility. It can be positioned up and down and easily positioned by mothers while they are seated in bed, making it convenient for them to see and reach their infants as needed throughout the hospital stay.
Designed with extensive input from moms and nurses, this bassinet enables safe and comfortable access through the important early days of life.
Through feedback on multiple bassinet prototypes, Couplet Care Bassinet has redesigned a critical part of maternity care, to strengthen care for all new mothers. This user-centered medical device is especially needed for those who have cesarean section births, as mothers’ cannot stand and move around the room immediately after surgery.
Couplet Care is the only bassinet that allows the mother to independently access her newborn infant without assistance from a 2nd person.
Category:MedicalYear:2024Designers:"Trig Kristin Tully, Ty Hagler, Patrick Murphy, Brian Himelright, Prasad Joshi, Charity Kirk, Alison Stuebe, Catherine Sullivan, Carl Seashore, Stephen Lindamood, Connie Tran, Principal, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA"Manufacturer:Couplet Care, Inc, Apex, North Carolina, USA