The Solar Smart Home Sensor Suite is a first-of-its-kind collection of battery-free smart home solutions. Developed in-house by Ambient Photonics, the Solar Sensors are a first offering of next-generation smart home solutions which are unburdened by the environmental impact and physical design constraints of traditional batteries.
Indoor solar technology is the future of sustainable, effective, and hassle-free smart home solutions. Ambient Photonics’ solar cells supplant batteries and can be embedded within a device allowing for sleeker, maintenance-free smart home technology – no more recharging devices, no more changing batteries, and no performance or aesthetic penalties.
The Solar Sensors are powered by Ambient Photonics’ unique dye-sensitized solar cell technology, which is capable of delivering up to 300% more power than other indoor solar solutions in low light conditions.
The housing of the Solar Sensors is available in clear, which exposes the dark color of the Ambient Photonics solar cell, and white, which falls in line with standard color, material, and finish expectations for smart home sensors. The white model is designed with a solar cell up-sized by 40% to ensure the same power output, equating to a slightly larger overall white product.
Disposable batteries are heavy, costly, and wasteful. Rechargeable batteries are expensive and due to their reliance on exotic minerals, also hold a heavy carbon footprint. Solar Sensors rely upon neither technology. The removal of batteries also ensures that the Solar Sensors are climate-conscious with minimal carbon impact.
The environmental impact of using solar cell technology is significant. According to the most recent data available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in the United States alone, approximately three billion batteries are sold each year, averaging 32 per family or 10 per person. Batteries are a major environmental hazard – creating physical waste and polluting ecosystems and water supplies. With Ambient Photonics technology, a battery-less future is within reach.
Solar Sensors are sleeker than typical production models because they are not burdened with the need to accommodate a large battery volume. This paves the way for increasingly effective and robust designs. Additionally, Solar Sensors are designed to completely eliminate the need for charging or physical maintenance, saving end-users time and money in operating expenditures.
Category:ElectronicsYear:2024Designers:Colin Owen, Ferdinand Laurino, David Lecoeuche, David Barrett, Chris Ayoub, Joshus Wright, Jose Fuentes, Mason Day, Zac Hatchett, Ambient Photonics Design Team, Ambient Photonics New York, California, USAManufacturer:Ambient Photonics, Scotts Valley, California, USA