Symrise produces fragrances and flavorings. For 150 years and mainly with raw materials from nature. Symrise is aware of its special responsibility for the environment. We have brought a fresh touch to the traditional company’s 2023 annual report – and given it the fitting title “Pleasure with foresight.”
In 18 exciting stories, it becomes clear how Symrise lives the topic of sustainability. We are present at vanilla cultivation in Madagascar and at the chemical synthesis of musk fragrances in the USA. The photos are taken from real life, strong colors and bold typography make you want to read more.
Those who want to delve deeper can download the entire report, while quick readers can select a summary of the topic that interests them most. The interactive value creation chart compares resources with the results achieved. Quiz questions invite you to puzzle over Symrise facts.
Category:Interactive MediaYear:2024Designers:Enya Pfaff, Julia Schmidt, 3st kommunikation GmbH., Mainz, GermanyManufacturer:Symrise AG, Holminden, Germany