TLK 25 provides two-way voice communication, situational awareness, and safety for workers in hospitality, retail, healthcare, and education environments. This solution redefines radio communication as a wearable, intuitive voice-assisted experience delivered over WiFi or LTE.
Designers were tasked to reimagine the two-way radio experience. They focused on environments where traditional radio devices form a barrier between users and customers due to size, weight, noise, and complexity. TLK 25 achieves the design brief by reducing the radio to basic elements: The device is the size of a remote control key fob, The push-to-talk button (PTT) is the entire front surface, audio is delivered through an earpiece only, and WIFI or LTE is used instead of a proprietary radio network. This idea is relevant for users not accustomed to radio communication to assure safety and productivity.
The compact oval shape conveys a wearable “key fob” shape which departs from the typical radio “box” form factor. A prominent visual/tactile two-way radio component is the push-to-talk (PTT) button; a primary interaction point for communication. TLK 25 defines the PTT as the entire front face of the device. This forms an obvious touchpoint for users and allows direct unobstructed access or hidden operation through clothing or a pocket. Indicator LED’s are placed on the PTT while tactile controls for volume, voice assistant, and emergency call are arranged around the device perimeter for blind operation.
Other Key Features: